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MLA handbook for writers of research papers
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Table of Contents
From the Book - Ninth edition.
Formatting your research project --
Mechanics of prose --
Principles of inclusive language --
Documenting sources : an overview --
The list of works cited --
Citing sources in the text --
Notes --
Appendix 1. Abbreviations --
Appendix 2. Works-cited-list entries by publication format.
From the Book - Eighth edition.
Foreword / Rosemary G. Feal --
Preface / Kathleen Fitzpatrick. --
Part 1. Principles of MLA style: Introduction ; Why document sources? ; Plagiarism and academic dishonesty ; Think: evaluating your sources ; Select: gathering information about your sources --
Organize: creating your documentation : The list of works cited : The core elements ; Optional elements --
In-text citations.
Part 2. Details of MLA style : 1. The mechanics of scholarly prose : Names of persons : First and subsequent uses of names ; Titles of authors ; Names of authors and fictional characters ; Names in languages other than English --
Titles of sources : Capitalization and punctuation ; Italics and quotation marks ; Shortened titles ; Titles within titles ; Titles of sources in languages other than English --
Quotations : Use and accuracy of quotations ; Prose ; Poetry ; Drama ; Ellipsis ; Other alterations of quotations ; Punctuation with quotations ; Translations of quotations --
Numbers : Use of numerals or words ; Commas in numbers ; Inclusive numbers ; Roman numerals --
Dates and times --
Abbreviations : Months ; Common academic abbreviations ; Publisher's names ; Titles of works.
2. Works cited : Names of authors : Variant forms ; Titles and suffixes ; Corporate authors --
Titles : Introduction, preface, foreword, or afterword ; Translations of titles --
Versions --
Publisher --
Locational elements : Plus sign with page number ; URLs and DOIs --
Punctuation in the works-cited list : Square brackets ; Forward slash --
Formatting and ordering the works-cited list : Letter-by-letter alphabetization ; Multiple works by one author ; Multiple works by coauthors ; Alphabetizing by title ; Cross-references.
3. In-text citations : Author : Coauthors ; Corporate author --
Title : Abbreviating titles of sources ; Descriptive terms in place of titles --
Numbers in in-text citations : Style of numerals ; Numbers in works available in multiple editions ; Other citations not involving page numbers --
Indirect sources --
Repeated use of sources --
Punctuation in the in-text citation --
4. Citations in forms other than print --
Practice template --
From the Book - Seventh edition
pt. 1: Research and writing
1-1: Research paper as a form of exploration
1-2: Research paper as a form of communication
1-3: Selecting a topic
1-3-1: Freedom of choice
1-3-2: Finding an appropriate focus
1-3-3: Summing up
1-4: Conducting research
1-4-1: Modern academic library
1-4-2: Library research sources
1-4-3: Central information system
1-4-4: Reference works
1-4-5: Online catalog of library holdings
1-4-6: Full-text databases
1-4-7: Other library resources and services
1-4-8: Web sources
1-4-9: Summing up
1-5: Compiling a working bibliography
1-5-1: Keeping track of sources
1-5-2: Creating a computer file for the working bibliography
1-5-3: Recording essential publication information
1-5-4: Noting other useful information
1-5-5: Verifying publication information
1-5-6: Converting the working bibliography to the works-cited list
1-5-7: Summing up
1-6: Evaluating sources
1-6-1: Authority
1-6-2: Accuracy and verifiability
1-6-3: Currency
1-6-4: Summing up
1-7: Taking notes
1-7-1: Methods of note-taking
1-7-2: Types of note-taking
1-7-3: Recording page or reference numbers
1-7-4: Using a computer for note-taking
1-7-5: Amount and accuracy of note-taking
1-7-6: Summing up
1-8: Outlining
1-8-1: Working outline
1-8-2: Thesis statement
1-8-3: Final outline
1-8-4: Summing up
1-9: Writing drafts
1-9-1: First draft
1-9-2: Subsequent drafts
1-9-3: Writing with a word processor
1-9-4: Final draft and the research project portfolio
1-9-5: Summing up
1-10: Language and style.
pt. 2: Plagiarism and academic integrity
2-1: Definition of plagiarism
2-2: Consequences of plagiarism
2-3: Information sharing today
2-4: Unintentional plagiarism
2-5: Forms of plagiarism
2-6: When documentation is not needed
2-7: Related issues
2-7-1: Reusing a research paper
2-7-2: Collaborative work
2-7-3: Research on human subjects
2-7-4: Copyright infringement
2-8: Summing up
pt. 3: Mechanics of writing
3-1: Spelling
3-1-1: Consistency
3-1-2: Word division
3-1-3: Plurals
3-1-4: Foreign words
3-2: Punctuation
3-2-1: Purpose of punctuation
3-2-2: Commas
3-2-3: Semicolons
3-2-4: Colons
3-2-5: Dashes and parentheses
3-2-6: Hyphens
3-2-7: Apostrophes
3-2-8: Quotation marks
3-2-9: Square brackets
3-2-10: Slashes
3-2-11: Periods, question marks, and exclamation points
3-2-12: Spacing after concluding punctuation marks
3-3: Italics
3-3-1: Words and letters referred to as words and letters
3-3-2: Foreign words in an English text
3-3-3: Emphasis
3-4: Names of persons
3-4-1: First and subsequent uses of names
3-4-2: Titles of persons
3-4-3: Names of authors and fictional characters
3-5: Numbers
3-5-1: Arabic numerals
3-5-2: Use of words or numerals
3-5-3: Commas in numbers
3-5-4: Percentages and amounts of money
3-5-5: Dates and times of the day
3-5-6: Inclusive numbers
3-5-7: Roman numerals
3-6: Titles of works in the research paper
3-6-1: Capitalization and punctuation
3-6-2: Italicized titles
3-6-3: Titles in quotation marks
3-6-4: Titles and quotations within titles
3-6-5: Exceptions
3-6-6: Shortened titles
3-7: Quotations
3-7-1: Use and accuracy of quotations
3-7-2: Prose
3-7-3: Poetry
3-7-4: Drama
3-7-5: Ellipsis
3-7-6: Other alterations of sources
3-7-7: Punctuation with quotations
3-7-8: Translations of quotations
3-8: Capitalization and personal names in languages other than English
3-8-1: French
3-8-2: German
3-8-3: Italian
3-8-4: Spanish
3-8-5: Latin.
pt. 4: Format of the research paper
4-1: Margins
4-2: Text formatting
4-3: Heading and title
4-4: Page numbers
4-5: Tables and illustrations
4-6: Paper and printing
4-7: Corrections and insertions
4-8: Binding
4-9: Electronic submission
pt. 5: Documentation: preparing the list of works cited
5-1: Documenting sources
5-2: MLA style
5-3: List of works cited
5-3-1: Introduction
5-3-2: Placement of the list of works cited
5-3-3: Arrangement of entries
5-3-4: Two or more works by the same author
5-3-5: Two or more works by the same authors
5-3-6: Cross-references
5-4: Citing periodical print publications
5-4-1: Introduction
5-4-2: Article in a scholarly journal
5-4-3: Article in a scholarly journal that uses only issue numbers
5-4-4: Article in a scholarly journal with more than one series
5-4-5: Article in a newspaper
5-4-6: Article in a magazine
5-4-7: Review
5-4-8: Abstract in an abstracts journal
5-4-9: Anonymous article
5-4-10: Editorial
5-4-11: Letter to the editor
5-4-12: Serialized article
5-4-13: Special issue
5-5: Citing nonperiodical print publications
5-5-1: Introduction
5-5-2: Book by a single author
5-5-3: Anthology or a compilation
5-5-4: Book by two or more authors
5-5-5: Book by a corporate author
5-5-6: Work in an anthology
5-5-7: Article in a reference book
5-5-8: Introduction, a preface, a foreword, or an afterword
5-5-9: Anonymous book
5-5-10: Scholarly edition
5-5-11: Translation
5-5-12: Illustrated book or a graphic narrative
5-5-13: Book published in a second or subsequent edition
5-5-14: Multivolume work
5-5-15: Book in a series
5-5-16: Republished book or journal issue
5-5-17: Publisher's imprint
5-5-18: Book with multiple publishers
5-5-19: Brochure, pamphlet, or press release
5-5-20: Government publication
5-5-21: Published proceedings of a conference
5-5-22: Book in a language other than English
5-5-23: Book published before 1900
5-5-24: Book without stated publication information or pagination
5-5-25: Unpublished dissertation
5-5-26: Published dissertation
5-6: Citing Web publications
5-6-1: Introduction
5-6-2: Nonperiodical publication
5-6-3: Scholarly journal
5-6-4: Periodical publication in an online database
5-7: Citing additional common sources
5-7-1: Television or radio broadcast
5-7-2: Sound recording
5-7-3: Film or a video recording
5-7-4: Performance
5-7-5: Musical score or libretto
5-7-6: Work of visual art
5-7-7: Interview
5-7-8: Map or chart
5-7-9: Cartoon or comic strip
5-7-10: Advertisement
5-7-11: Lecture, a speech, an address, or a reading
5-7-12: Manuscript or typescript
5-7-13: Letter, a memo, or an e-mail message
5-7-14: Legal source
5-7-15: Article in a microform collection of articles
5-7-16: Article reprinted in a loose-leaf collection of articles
5-7-17: Publication on CD-ROM or DVD-ROM
5-7-18: Digital file
5-8: Work in more than one publication medium.
pt. 6: Documentation: citing sources in the text
6-1: Parenthetical documentation and the list of works cited
6-2: Information required in parenthetical documentation
6-3: Readability
6-4: Sample references
6-4-1: Citing an entire work, including a work with no page numbers
6-4-2: Citing part of a work
6-4-3: Citing volume and page numbers of a multivolume work
6-4-4: Citing a work listed by title
6-4-5: Citing a work by a corporate author
6-4-6: Citing two or more works by the same author or authors
6-4-7: Citing indirect sources
6-4-8: Citing common literature
6-4-9: Citing more than one work in a single parenthetical reference
6-5: Using notes with parenthetical documentation
6-5-1: Content notes
6-5-2: Bibliographic notes
pt. 7: Abbreviations
7-1: Introduction
7-2: Time designations
7-3: Geographic names
7-4: Common scholarly abbreviations and reference words
7-5: Publishers' names
7-6: Symbols and abbreviations used in proofreading and correction
7-6-1: Selected proofreading symbols
7-6-2: Common correction symbols and abbreviations
7-7: Titles of works
7-7-1: Bible
7-7-2: Works by Shakespeare
7-7-3: Works by Chaucer
7-7-4: Other works
Appendix A: Guides to writing
A-1: Introduction
A-2: Dictionaries of usage
A-3: Guides to nondiscriminatory language
A-4: Books on style
Appendix B: Specialized style manuals.
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